DigitalTwins of your
Systems and Organisations
BOXARR is a modelling platform, built on the simple paradigm of Boxes and Arrows, which enables you to capture, map and analyse aspects of your data, operations, processes, resources, roles etc.; bringing them all together in multi-contextual models -
DigitalTwins of your Systems and Organisations.

What is BOXARR?
BOXARR is a versatile software platform that enables people to collaboratively create, manage and evolve DigitalTwin Models of complex systems, plans, and organisations – across a wide range of use cases.
BOXARR combines the flexibility of systems-modelling with the temporal and resourcing aspects of programs; the configurable analytics of spreadsheets; and the rich visualisations of dashboards. BOXARR shares data with disparate information systems to populate and inform DigitalTwin Models and assure their ongoing relevancy.
BOXARR enables people to effectively manage complexity; cohere systems; identify risks; reveal opportunities; target investments; enable capabilities; and understand the propagating impacts of change to make informed decisions.
Enhance the Speed and Quality of Decision Making
We offer you a wide range of non-sector-specific solutions which can be tailored to your organisation's needs. In collaboration with our Alliance Partners, we will assist you from strategic planning to implementation and make sure you achieve strong, ongoing ROI.
The Power of Data Modelling
Integrate any type of data source to create a model at 'real world scale'.
The Power of Analytics and Artificial Intelligence
Create your own functions, use algorithms, what-if scenarios and simulation to empower decision making
The Power of Visualisation
Visualise your model with different contexts, filters, and different visualisation typesÂ
Key Strategic Drivers To Use DigitalTwin Technology
Elicit and capture knowledge and experience, learning along the way
Derive value from disparate information systems and data silos
Facilitate use without the typical burdens of training, via our "humanised" tech
Deliver utility across all your Departments, and with your Partners and Allies
See the forest and the trees to reveal hidden risks and opportunities
War-game the propagated effects of decisions and visualise the impacts of unforeseen events
Scale to the levels of breadth, depth and fidelity that reflect real-world problems
Adapt to the changing eco-system of your organization and maintain 'real-world' relevancy