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All e-mails issued from BOXARR Limited (BOXARR) and its personnel using the BOXARR email system are strictly for the intended recipients, are considered confidential, and may be legally privileged.


If you have received an email from BOXARR and you are not the intended recipient, we request that you please delete it immediately and contact the sender by e-mail or telephone to advise them of the error.


Unless BOXARR has agreed otherwise in writing, the contents of e-mails issued from BOXARR are not intended to create legal relations between you and BOXARR.


Internet e-mails are not necessarily secure. BOXARR accepts no responsibility either for breaches of confidence that may arise through the use of email or for changes to any e-mail which may occur after the e-mail has been sent.


If an e-mail contains any opinions or information which do not relate specifically to the official business of BOXARR, they should be treated as those of the individual sender and not given, nor approved by BOXARR.


BOXARR has taken reasonable precautions to ensure that e-mails and any attachments sent have been swept for viruses. However, BOXARR cannot accept liability for any virus that might be transferred by way of an e-mail. You are strongly recommended to carry out your own virus checks.



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