Our Customer
BOXARR is supporting Deloitte to gain a full understanding of the disparate, inter-dependent, and increasingly complex operational and logistical network of a large government department.
Their Challenge
The UK Ministry of Defence’s (MOD) Defence Support Network (DSN) is the support framework that prepares the UK Armed Forces for operations, projects them to operational theatres, sustains them while deployed, and then recovers them.
It has evolved over time and most recently has been optimised to support the recent campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The ambitious Defence Support Network Transformation (DSN(T)) Programme
The DSN(T) aims to transform the Defence Support Network through the delivery of end-to-end support chain coherence, greater efficiency, and effectiveness, and closer integration of support chains into a single support network, both nationally and globally.
The DSN(T) ambition is to accelerate the delivery of improved information services, stronger governance, and innovation.
The BOXARR Solution
As a first step in achieving these ambitious and far-reaching improvements, the MOD contracted Deloitte to provide technical support during the concept phase of the programme. The brief was to:
- Establish and resource the programme management office
- Develop a DSN support chain strategy, a DSN baseline cost model, and the DSN(T) business case
- Develop the DSN operating model
- Design the DSN(T) Delivery Phase
It’s critical to understand fully the DSN’s true scale, complexity, and the variety of its many inter-dependencies.
Early and proactive engagement with a growing range of MOD stakeholders allowed Deloitte to first define the boundary of the DSN, and then scope the programme requirements and goals.
It quickly became clear, however, that for future phases it would be critical to understanding fully the DSN’s true scale, complexity, and the variety of its many inter-dependencies on operations in a single medium.
BOXARR Enables Insightful Analysis
Providing an effective medium for representing knowledge and understanding relationships, and so enabling insightful analysis, the BOXARR platform was the obvious choice.
Using BOXARR, Deloitte has delivered a concept demonstrator which rapidly and effectively combines the complex processes of preparing to deploy forces on operations in a single medium.
“Disruption is driving the need for faster and more agile business models. Speed of decision making, driven by a true understanding of the implication of those decisions, needs to be realised within a generally more complex business operating environment. BOXARR is proving to be a powerful tool in visualising that complexity and then analytically defining those critical implications”

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