Map and Analyse Supply-Chains and Value-Webs
BOXARR is uniquely suited to mapping the complex global supply chains of today's highly-engineered products. It can improve every aspect of your business operations with visibility, and proactive, timely analytics.

Supplier Mapping for Portfolios of Complex Products
BOXARR enables the discovery, understanding, and optimisation of your entire supply chain network and enables you to build a Digital Twin of your Supply Chain. Unlike other tools, entire product structures and their interdependencies are represented within a BOXARR model. A BOXARR model is a configurable value stream map that allows analysis at any scale and is tailored to visualise only what's most important to its stakeholders through intuitive dashboards.
BOXARR lets you stitch disparate networks together such as purchasing, supplier and programme management, corporate risk and responsibility, quality control, engineering, logistics, sales, and operations. The model can be quickly built and maintained from existing data sources such as an ERP system, and it can exploit the collaborative participation of many stakeholders.
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Airbus | Global Supply Chain Mapping
Overcoming Complexity in a Massive Global Supply Chain
You will benefit from
Cost Reduction
Resource Release
Cash Release
Increased Sales
Improved Brand Image
Integrate and break down data silos across your business
Pro-active Risk Management
Risks are rarely linear, they compound. Seeing the whole is important. Rank, prioritise, plan and track how you continuously manage risk.
BOXARR allows you to pro-actively manage risk and identify opportunities, helping to avoid unnecessary incidents where possible, and making your supply chain more robust and cost-effective. And when the unavoidable does happen, you will be better-equipped to understand the impact, plan your collaborative response, and execute that response quickly and with confidence.
Identify structural weaknesses like highly interconnected sub-tier suppliers.
Identify specific risks from suppliers with rare equipment.
Understand geographic related risk.
Be wary of risk due to poor visibility on parts of your supply chain.
Overlay financial health data, and any other risk, all in the context of the whole value stream.
Informed Responses to Events
You can coordinate your response immediately without wasting resource and time figuring out what it means to you.
When something happens or can be predicted to happen, you know what the impact paths are. Whether it's a natural event like an earthquake, a merger or an acquisition, geopolitical event like Brexit, a supplier fire, or anything else, you can see
who is involved, what, where, and by when.
Optimised Supplier Development
The supply chain is a web of dependency.
Focus on the right suppliers and their suppliers.
Coordinate your partners' supplier development resources, also regional, national, and international industrial groupings.
Influence policy at all levels with your understanding and the legitimacy of your arguments.